We get a lot of general inquiries about the basics of this new technology as it applies to cars and trucks. So I have written this summary to quickly explain it in broad terms. If you want a much more detailed, in depth analysis and explanation sign up for our
FREE 8 day email course.

HHO gas is a unique product based on the discoveries and patent work of Professor Yull Brown in the late 1960's. He discovered (in contradiction to the conventional wisdom of the time), that it was indeed possible to create a unique electrolyzer that could separate the hydrogen and oxygen atoms out of water, WITHOUT separating them into different tanks. Prior to this, the common misconception by experts, was that the hydrogen and oxygen should NEVER be allowed to join together after electrolysis).
The gas, he created, was tested and found to increase the combustion efficiency of engines, could be used for welding torches with large enough generators, and was easily made. Unlike pure hydrogen (H2), the new gas (dubbed "Brown's Gas at the time) could NOT be compressed and stored for long periods in a tank. It needed to be used immediately for best results.
His discovery was ground breaking, and he spent the latter years of his life and a fortune ( I believe around $30 million dollars) trying to convince the general public of its great properties, but suffered from a lot of censorship and lack of media desire for coverage (Much like today). Thankfully, we have the internet and youtube, which has allowed an explosion of experimenters and tinkerers around the world to advance and share the technology, and how it can be applied to the modern car. When we started in 2008, there were a few demo videos and three other companies willing to manufacture by hand. We are among the oldest manufacturer of these hydrogen kits today.
HHO kits electrolyze the hydrogen and oxygen atoms directly out of the water, without separating them, creating a unique and energetic form of gas containing H, O, H2, O2, and even H2O. The gas is filtered, then injected into the air intake of the vehicle, where it mixes along with the air and gasoline (petrol) or diesel fuel of the car. The hydrogen-oxygen gases blend with the normal l fuel inside the engine, and upon combustion, rapidly ignite acting as a
"combustion catalyst" , making the fuel burn faster, more thoroughly, and much cleaner. The HHO gas upon exploding, simply reverts back into water in microseconds, which then turns into superheated steam, cleaning the inside of the engine of carbon deposits and sludge. Since the gas causes the existing fuel to burn faster and more complete, there is LESS waste, and the energy is extracted where it matters most-
inside the engine. This is why it results in extra mileage, better engine response, and lower emissions- by increasing combustion efficiencies. Remember that todays engines, with all the engineering advances, are still only about 18-21% efficient (depending on who you talk to), so just increasing the combustion efficiency a few percent makes a HUGE difference in mileage and emissions, and is why we see the results Without violating any Laws of Thermodynamics in the process (sorry guys - there is no free energy in what we are doing - just good physics).
Hydrogen burns very fast at 40,000 feet per second vs. gasoline which burns 1/10 of that at only 4000 fps. The clean and fast burning hydrogen (66% of the hho gas) along with the 33% pure oxygen; burns the hydrocarbons in the gasoline or diesel fuel, faster and cleaner, extracting more energy out in the same amount of time. So instead of wasting that energy during a partially incomplete combustion (requiring catalytic converters and other smog removal items to chemically alter the emissions), you extract it where it matters most-
inside the engine. That is why mileage goes up, and emissions drop drastically. We have even seen some engines run a few degrees cooler while using it.
First of all - let me dispel a common misconception: you cannot run a car on water only. If anyone tries to sell you something that they claim does that, run the other way! Almost every other month a new "claim" is made that this person or that has discovered how to run their vehicle on water only, but further investigation proves these claims false and unverified. One example is the popular youtube video of a man claiming his Dodge ram truck ran only on water. It is no coincidence that this mans name was "Fast Freddy".
Every one of his claims have been proven false.
While no one in recent history has been able to achieve this, one man seems to have had that distinction -
Stanley Meyer. He was poisoned before the product could make it to the market, and although many of us are researching and experimenting trying to duplicate his work,
No One has been able to do it yet. So do not get suckered or caught up in false claims or over-hyped marketing ads promising you they have the answer. If they are selling you the idea for $29, it is NOT the keys to Stan Meyers secrets. You have been warned...
Having said that, "On demand hydrogen" (HHO gas) is the perfect alternative as a practical fuel saver, which is available right now to just about anyone in the world. It will NOT allow you to run your car on water only, but it will help you increase your mileage and at the same time reduce your emissions - it's a win-win for right now. The generators are compact, can be installed in a weekend, and are easy to maintain once set up. Brown's Gas, HHO gas, Oxy hydrogen, hydroxy, etc, are all terms that refer to the same product; An "On Demand" Hydrogen Generator, which uses the spare electrical energy of your car's alternator to electrolyze water and cause the instantaneous separation of hydrogen and oxygen atoms out of a tank of distilled water with a very small amount of electrolyte added.
I personally prefer to look at HHO as a "Combustion Catalyst", NOT a fuel replacement technology (at least not in this stage of development). HHO burns way too fast by itself and actually works better if it is "slowed down" by the hydrocarbons in gasoline, diesel, CNG, LPG, or biodiesel fuel. That makes it perfect in a gas saving application, where it can burn the fossil fuels faster, extracting more energy out of it inside the engine, instead of having to filter or convert it (which is what the Platinum in a catalytic converter does).
Our advanced HHO kits are comprised of an advanced, on demand hydrogen generator, an external water/electrolyte reservoir, and a dry filter to clean the gas of residue before it enters the engine. The kit does not need a tank to store or compress the gases in, but instead, uses them as they are made. It operates on the available extra energy of the car alternator, and generally uses less than 500 watts of energy to operate.
For more information, I recommend signing up for the FREE 8 day course, which I wrote to help you understand the process better (sign up with your email address below). Just enter your email address and first name in the box below, look for a confirmation email which you must respond to (gives us verified permission to send it to you), and your course will begin immediately. You will automatically receive an email once a day for 8 days. Make sure you add www.hhokitsdirect.com to your white list so that the spam/junk folder doesn't file them away without you seeing them.